Our patent-pending pluggedsolar? technology allows anyone to add the solar panel and just plug solar panel system into an existing electrical outlet. There is not any need for hiring any expensive professional. PluggedSolar is avoids the expense and hassle of typical solar power system installation.PluggedSolar makes the sun power within the reach of each home owner. We do sell solar panels and mountings. You’ll contact us at 281-712-2757 components: UL approved.Contact PluggedSolar for buying Solar Panels and Solar Panel Mountings for Groud or Roof or Patio We also provide ROOF MOUNT SYSTEMS and larger power solar electric systems
Get 30% Federal Solar Tax Credit. Additional Local Utility Rebate & State Tax Benefits is also to be had. UL & Utility Grid Tie Inverter.
Add Solar Panels (minimum 5 panels of 180Watt or more);Solar Panels Not Included; We will give you the 1.5KW solar panels in $1500
1.5 KW Solar Power Generates average 3000 kWh of Electricity per year for life, saving up to 30% of bills removing the higher tiered rated electric usage.
We provide Wireless Solar Power and Energy Generation (Watt & kWh) monitor. Contact PluggedSolar for buying Solar Panels and Solar Panel Mountings for Groud or Roof or Patio
We are open for all of the make stronger you wish to have. Please contact us at 281-712-2757 for any question